Stop Trafficking Of Persons
Stay informed, Spread the word, and Say NO when you feel uncomfortable.
Tell someone if your being forced to do anything against your will.
Observe your surroundings and drop your location to someone you trust.
Pay attention to people's words, body language, and patterns of behavior.

What forms/terms of Human and Sex Trafficking
Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” are umbrella terms – often used interchangeably – to refer to a crime whereby traffickers exploit and profit at the expense of adults or children by compelling them to perform labor or engage in commercial sex. When a person younger than 18 is used to perform a commercial sex act, it is a crime regardless of whether there is any force, fraud, or coercion involved.
Ritual sexual abuse, pornography, prostitution, escorting, cyber trafficking, online grooming, online exploitation, exploitation, grooming, luring, stripping, exotic dancing, brothels, Illicit massage businesses, finesse pimping, guerilla pimping, survival sex, child sex tourism, forced marriage, forced labor, forced child labor, child soldiers, debt bondage, adrenochrome harvesting, organ trade/harvesting are all forms of trafficking in persons.
Ritual Sexual Abuse - has been categorized according to three types: cult-based ritual abuse when sexual abuse is used to induce a mystical or religious experience in the abuser; pseudo-ritual abuse to exploit children through psychological, sadistic intimidation and to inhibit their disclosure of abuse; and psychopathological ritual abuse stemming from an obsessive, sadistic individual rather than from a group concerned with religious or other experiences. Many sexual abuse victims indicate that they may not be believed if they report abuse, that they may be labeled as crazy, and that the offender may retaliate against them. Further, survivors of ritual sexual abuse often develop multiple personality disorders. Other psychological symptoms of child victims and adult survivors include suicidal or homicidal urges, eating disorders, substance abuse, and low self-esteem. Studies show that ritual sexual abuse is often initiated by family members and sometimes by day care providers. RITUAL SEXUAL ABUSE | Office of Justice Programs (ojp.gov)
Pornography - In material reality, pornography is one way women and children are trafficked for sex. To make visual pornography, the bulk of the industry's products, real women and children, and some men, are rented out for use in commercial sex acts. In the resulting materials, these people are then conveyed and sold for a buyer's sexual use. Pornography as Trafficking (umich.edu)
Sex Trafficking - (Prostitution/Escorting) - is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. It has been called a form of modern slavery because of the way victims are forced into sexual acts non-consensually, in a form of sexual slavery. [1] Perpetrators of the crime are called sex traffickers or pimps—people who manipulate victims to engage in various forms of commercial sex with paying customers. Sex traffickers use force, fraud, and coercion as they recruit, transport, and provide their victims as prostitutes m[2] Sometimes victims are brought into a situation of dependency on their trafficker(s), financially or emotionally. [3] Every aspect of sex trafficking is considered a crime, from acquisition to transportation and exploitation of victims. Sex trafficking - Wikipedia
Cybersex Trafficking - is the exploitation of a person through the internet via webcam, photos, videos, or other digital media. Like sex trafficking, the victim is forced to provide sexual services via force, fraud, or coercion. Unlike sex trafficking, victims will likely never come into contact with most of their buyers. Instead, their traffickers may stream, film, or photograph their assault from a central location—which can be anywhere in the world with an internet connection—and send the material to paying online predators.
Online Grooming - Platforms like social media, forums, discord/private chat servers, and online games—all places where youth are highly active—are ideal environments for traffickers to both recruit and exploit victims. Traffickers can take the shape of faceless online “friends” who spend months grooming (befriending and building a relationship with) children [and adults] to build trust over time so they can coax them into a life of abuse and exploitation. By giving the victim attention, care, and gifts, or by making enticing promises, traffickers can gain the confidence of unsuspecting youth.
Online Exploitation - Traffickers use many similar deception tactics online as they do offline. They might promise a good job to a poor student, pose as a role model or caring significant other to create dependence, or entrap a victim through indentured servitude for a compounding loan. Once a relationship is established, the trafficker can then manipulate or coerce the victim into performing sexual acts online, on the street, or both. Cybersex Trafficking: Grooming and Online Exploitation - The Exodus Road
Exploitation - Traffickers insert themselves into the centre of victims’ lives and take full control. Victims are often slowly pushed into doing things they might be uncomfortable with, for example, being asked to have sex with a friend to make quick money or accepting work in a remote location with little to no information up front. Victims may begin to feel frightened or isolated, and over time become increasingly reliant on their trafficker. Once a trafficker establishes control, the aim is to keep victims stuck in a trafficking situation. This can involve physical threats to them or their loved ones, threats of deportation, control through aiding drug addiction, or even withholding pay, making it extremely difficult for victims to seek help. How human trafficking works - Canada.ca
Grooming - Traffickers may make false promises that respond to their targets’ needs and isolate them from family and friends. Some traffickers pressure their victim(s) into providing services to earn love, pay back a favour or gifts or show their gratitude. Less subtle traffickers can force people or trap them through blackmail, confinement, moving from place to place, supplying drugs, through physical and mental abuse, withholding pay, or identification documents, and threats of deportation. How human trafficking works - Canada.ca
Luring - Traffickers often look for unmet needs in a persons life and try to fill them. Whether it’s love, money, self esteem, or even supporting their family financially, traffickers may appear to fill these voids to gain their victim’s trust. This can be done through establishing friendship, showing romantic interest, or even offering job opportunities. How human trafficking works - Canada.ca
Stripping & Erotic Dancing - Victims of sex trafficking are frequently recruited to work in strip clubs across the United States. Women, men, and minors may be recruited to work in strip clubs as hostesses, servers or dancers, but then are required to provide commercial sex to customers.
Individuals forced to serve as hostess, servers, or dancers but not required to provide commercial sex may still be victims of labor trafficking.
Strip clubs are designed to provide the space and environment in which buyers may purchase commercial sex. Victims of sex trafficking in strip clubs must adhere to extensive, pre-determined schedules and are frequently moved between multiple clubs. Commercial sex sometimes takes place in the bathroom, VIP, or lap dance rooms, or offsite in hotels or buyer’s homes. Hostess/Strip Club-Based | National Human Trafficking Hotline
Brothels - Brothels are establishments specifically dedicated to prostitution. In escort prostitution, the act may take place at the client's residence or hotel room (referred to as out-call), or at the escort's residence or a hotel room rented for the occasion by the escort (in-call). Another form is street prostitution. Prostitution - Wikipedia
Illicit Massage Businesses - Illicit massage businesses are enterprises that purport to offer massage services but instead offer commercial sex. Human Trafficking and Illicit Massage Businesses Report | National Human Trafficking Hotline
Finesse Pimping - recruitment through what appears to be kindness and compassion is shrouded in manipulation from food, money, shelter or drugs.
Guerilla Pimping - This involves aggression, threats and violence to engage and enslave the victim.
Survival Sex - And some children [and adults] might fall victim to “survival sex”, with no other option to attain food, money, shelter, or drugs. Such vulnerability places these children [and adults] in high-risk situations where they may be manipulated and forced into exploitation. Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest is the tip of the iceberg: human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing crime (theconversation.com)
Child Sex Tourism - is tourism for the purpose of engaging in the prostitution of children [under age 18], which is commercially facilitated child sexual abuse. Child sex tourism victimizes approximately 2 million children around the world. The children who perform as prostitutes in the child sex tourism trade often have been lured or abducted into sexual slavery. Although pedophiles are popularly associated with child sex tourism, they are not the majority of users. There are two types of offenders: preferential abusers who specifically prefer children, because they seek to build a relationship with a child or because they perceive the risk of sexually transmitted infections to be lower; and situational users, which are abusers who do not actively seek out children but for whom the actual act is opportunistic. For situational users, there may be a lack of concern to check the age of a prostitute before engaging in sexual activity. Child sex tourism - Wikipedia
Forced Marriage - There are three main types of forced marriage: forced marriage of adults, early or child marriage, and trafficking for marriage. There are numerous reasons why forced marriage occurs, including the payment of a bride price, cancellation of debt, or to settle a dispute, abduction by an armed group – as was the case with many of the girls taken by Boko Haram – deception, to offload financial responsibility – often the case after a natural disaster or during migration – and sometimes to secure another individual’s residency in a country, among others. Regardless of the reason, once the marriage is entered, the risk of additional abuse and exploitation multiplies. For example, after entering a forced marriage an individual is often subjected to forced labor, sexual exploitation, and/or domestic servitude. Forced Marriage: A Form of Modern-day Slavery - Human Trafficking Search
Forced Labor - as all work or service exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.
Forced Child Labor - includes employment below the minimum age as established in national legislation, hazardous unpaid household services, and the worst forms of child labor: all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale or trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, or forced or compulsory labor; the use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic purposes; the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities; and work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children. What are Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking? | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
Child Soldiers - Children can become involved in armed conflicts in direct combat roles, but also in supporting roles – being forced or coerced to become cooks, cleaners, porters, intelligence gatherers and spies, wives, sex slaves, or used in acts of terror. Regardless of their role, the experience for girls and boys is devastating. | | (wvi.org)
Debt Bondage - Victims of forced labour may also be victims of debt bondage, where they are tricked into working for little or no money to repay a debt. An employer or controller will use different tactics to trap the victim in an endless cycle of debt which can never be repaid and may even be passed on to their families. Poverty, threats, violence, surveillance and imprisonment are used to make sure they cannot leave or get help. Debt bondage can also be a significant factor in human trafficking. Victims may be offered a job abroad with “free” transportation, or they may borrow money from the employer / controller for the travel and a job finding fee. Once they have arrived, they then find the job either does not exist or is not what was originally offered and are trapped trying to pay off the debt. Human trafficking - Debt bondage - Forced labour - GLAA
Adrenochrome Harvesting - Alleged claims have been made that satan worshippers, including powerful elite societies participate in an international child sex trafficking ring that harvests adrenochrome from the blood of children to take as a psychedelic or life-extending drug. There are alleged, detailed firsthand accounts of this heinous process online which explains why children are the ideal candidates for the extraction of adrenochrome. These gruesome accounts expose and reveal that children are often frightened, tortured, and molested to enhance adrenaline production to create a more potent product. Many of these children die in the procuring process or are murdered by their traffickers afterwards.
Organ Trade/Harvesting - (also known as the blood market) is the trading of human organs, tissues, or other body products, usually for transplantation. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), organ trade is a commercial transplantation where there is a profit, or transplantations that occur outside of national medical systems. There is a global need or demand for healthy body parts for transplantation, which exceeds the numbers available. Criminal networks increasingly engage in kidnappings, especially of children and teenagers, who are then taken to locations with medical equipment. There they are murdered, and their organs harvested for the illegal organ trade. Poverty and loopholes in legislation also contribute to the illegal trade of organs. Though claims of organ trafficking are difficult to substantiate due to lack of evidence and reliable data, cases of illegal organ trade have been tried and prosecuted. The persons and entities prosecuted have included criminal gangs, hospitals, third-party organ brokers, nephrologists, and individuals attempting to sell their own organs. Organ trade - Wikipedia

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Healing Hearts Global Outreach Ministries
Supports Helping Survivors.
Helping Survivors is a corporate sponsor of RAINN, America's largest anti-sexual violence organization.
Helping Survivors is an organization on a mission to help heal, educate, and empower people who have been impacted by sexual assault, abuse and harassment.
They provide legal information, resources, and referrals for survivors.